Where Are They Now?

February 13, 2011 at 12:38 pm 4 comments

As the Custom CSS on this WordPress blog expires, I can’t help but reminisce: We had some good times, blahg. Good times indeed.

Originally started as a blog of of men we found attractive while floundering in our study abroad semester in Dublin, Ireland (coincidentally a country full of very unattractive people in general), this blog has since grown, decayed, then grown again before finally succumbing to a final bout of accidentally-on-purpose forgot-to-post blog syndrome (the silent killer!). As frequent commenter aBailes noted: “if this blog was a car, it would be covered in dust and I would write “wash me” on it with my finger.”

And so, it is with great sadness and that certain relief that comes with chopping off a leprosy-ridden limb, we leave you all. Thank you to everyone who followed our humble musings. You were the best receptacles of privileged ramblings that we could have ever asked for. ❤

Without further ado…(and in alphabetical order)….


Alison is an assistant editor at a very prestigious editing house in NYC. Her baking skills have flourished enormously since this blog started, and looking at her facebook albums is enough to give you a toothache. I should also mention that since I looked at those albums, she has become gluten-free. Crap.

When I first met Alison, I was pretty intimidated by her. Who is this mysterious, Arrested Development-quoting woman? How does she apply her liquid eyeliner so well?? With only 8 people in our entire program in Dublin, Alison and I soon became friends. Our shared love of the British TV show, Skins, brought us even closer together. And our ability to take pictures of men without them noticing. That too.

What I originally thought was a too-cool-for-school woman is, in fact, a fiercely loyal and kickass broad. Alison, every time I get enraged about something, I try to make it sound as cool as you did in this blog. You are awesome. I love and miss you.


The first time I met Betty was at our Dublin orientation in NYC. I remember trying to talk to her in the elevator, and she just shyly smiling. The second time we met was in our Dublin apartment, when she opened her jet-lagged bedroom door only to visibly JUMP at the sight of her roommate (me), already standing there, eager to meet her.

Watching Scrubs, eating things from Tesco, and generally trying to not have a nervous breakdown abroad, we were more than just roommates. Betty became my best friend, and to this day I am grateful for our random roommate assignment.

Betty now works as a special-effects expert at an international post house in NYC. Did you see the Superbowl commercials? Yeah. She did GFX for those. She is happily married to an amazing Englishman and musician. She continues to be incredibly patient, kind, and the best proponent of dick jokes on the eastern seaboard. How I miss them.


Katie. Katie Katie Katie. Oh god, how do you put this woman into words? Katie is the very origin of the phrase “marches to her own drum”. While we were all privately miserable in our own Dublin way, Katie would cheerfully announce that she was going for the equivalent of a 10-mile run. She would explore the mysterious frontiers of Phoenix Park, disappear for days at a time, and then come back with kickass class assignments and amazing visuals.

Needless to say, Katie ignores the rules, does things her own way, and comes back with the coolest results. We would spend endless summer days in her teensy Cornelia Street apartment, sipping iced coffee with splenda, smelling incense and listening to Neko Case.

Katie is the Googly Eyes member that perfected the phrase “Really Good”, in which you make a horrified, disgusted, and weirdly delighted facial expression all at the same time. It really is the best. She is currently a graduate student in NYC. It goes without saying that I miss her dearly.


I remember when we started this blog and were deciding on a name. “Pasticherie” was too high-brow. “LunchBox-ed” too lesbian. We were so into it, as if choosing the perfect name was essential. It was adorable. Pointless, but adorable.

The real magic about this blog was that it brought us together. Oh god, I am having a Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants moment. BUT- it’s true. I don’t think I would have had the chance to be friends with anyone here were it not for our shitshow of a semester abroad, where we were all forced to become friends, regardless of whether we liked each other or not. I’m so glad that our friendship lasted past our classes and onto birthdays, graduations, and even a wedding. It’s crazy how long it’s been. I’m so thankful.

I left NYC right after graduation in May ’09 to move to DC. I don’t doubt that’s a part of why we started posting less and less. This blog wasn’t meant to be a hub of current events and up-to-date information. It was more of an excuse for us to hang out and have fun. But it’s hard when we’re in different cities.

I am now a freelance filmmaker and CCO of a DC startup, soon to move once again for graduate school.

Googly Eyes, you brought four (very) different people together. So much love to you all.

Entry filed under: Miscellaneous Musings.

Roger Sterling. John Slattery. LOOK WHATEVER.

4 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Alison  |  February 15, 2011 at 11:31 pm

    NOOOOO!!!! I refuse to accept this post!! I refuse!!! Thank you for the kind words, Olivia. You truly are, the bomb diggity. Can we somehow relocate all of this to a Tumblr? Tumblr is so much less intimidating and not requiring of thought-out words……

  • 2. Olivia ABTAHI  |  February 16, 2011 at 11:08 am

    yes! Great idea! what would we call it? would it have a theme? could it get a book deal?

  • 3. Betty  |  February 17, 2011 at 10:28 am

    I’d be lying if I said this post didn’t make me tear up. I LURVE YOU GUYS.

    I’m totally in favor of a group-collab tumblr.

  • 4. parkrangerolivia  |  February 23, 2011 at 9:32 pm



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